SF Espresso Shack Condensed Bold Italic
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SF Espresso Shack Condensed Bold Italic.ttf
Anmerkung des Autors
SF Espresso Shack Condensed Bold Italic is a distinctive display font that exudes a bold and dynamic energy, perfect for grabbing attention and making a strong visual statement. Crafted by ShyFonts Type Foundry, this member of the SF Espresso Shack family boasts a condensed width that makes it ideal for headlines and branding where space is at a premium but impact is non-negotiable.
The font's bold weight ensures high-contrast design elements that stand out, while the italic tilt adds a sense of motion and modernity. The aesthetic appeal of SF Espresso Shack Condensed Bold Italic lies in its ability to marry compactness with boldness, creating an arresting presence on the page or screen.
Its suitability spans across various creative projects—from advertising campaigns to poster designs—making it an invaluable asset for designers looking to infuse their work with character and style. With SF Espresso Shack Condensed Bold Italic, your message won't just be seen; it will be felt.
The font's bold weight ensures high-contrast design elements that stand out, while the italic tilt adds a sense of motion and modernity. The aesthetic appeal of SF Espresso Shack Condensed Bold Italic lies in its ability to marry compactness with boldness, creating an arresting presence on the page or screen.
Its suitability spans across various creative projects—from advertising campaigns to poster designs—making it an invaluable asset for designers looking to infuse their work with character and style. With SF Espresso Shack Condensed Bold Italic, your message won't just be seen; it will be felt.

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Standard Schriftarten Information
SF Espresso Shack Condensed
Bold Italic
Einzigartige Unterfamilieidentifikation
SF Espresso Shack Condensed Bold Italic
Vollständiger Schriftname
SF Espresso Shack Condensed Bold Italic
Name-Tabelle Version
v1.0 - Freeware
Erweiterte Schriftarten Information
Unterstützte Plattformen
UnicodeUnicode 1.0 Semantik
MacintoshWestliche (römische)
MicrosoftNur BMP Unicode
Einheiten pro Em2046
Einbindungs RechteBegrenzte Einbindung (unzulässig!)
Familien GattungOhne Klassifikation
Mac StyleKursiv
RichtungNur stark von Links nach Rechts gehende Schriftzeichen + enthält
Muster BeschaffenheitKursiv
Strich StärkeExtra Schwarz
AbstandUngleicher Abstand
Symbole SetWindows 3.1 ANSI
Komplettes Paket enthält 8 unten aufgeführte Schriftarten:
SF Espresso Shack Condensed Bold Italic.ttf
SF Espresso Shack Condensed Bold.ttf
SF Espresso Shack Bold.ttf
SF Espresso Shack Bold Italic.ttf
SF Espresso Shack Italic.ttf
SF Espresso Shack Condensed Italic.ttf
SF Espresso Shack Condensed Bold.ttf
SF Espresso Shack Bold.ttf
SF Espresso Shack Bold Italic.ttf
SF Espresso Shack Italic.ttf
SF Espresso Shack Condensed Italic.ttf
SF Espresso Shack
SF Espresso Shack Condensed
SF Espresso Shack Condensed Bold
TrueTypeZum persönlichen Gebrauch
SF Espresso Shack Bold
TrueTypeZum persönlichen Gebrauch
SF Espresso Shack Bold Italic
TrueTypeZum persönlichen Gebrauch
SF Espresso Shack Italic
TrueTypeZum persönlichen Gebrauch
SF Espresso Shack Condensed Italic
TrueTypeZum persönlichen Gebrauch