- Akzente (teilweise)
- Akzente (ganz)
- Euro
Anmerkung des Autors
Licensed for unlimited distribution and embedding using hte CSS @font-face rule
The commercial version of Pyke's Peak is located here:
The commercial version of Pyke's Peak is located here:
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Standard Schriftarten Information
Copyright (c) 2007 - 2008 Typeface designed by James Arboghast. Published by Sentinel Type. All rights reserved worldwide. This is the "zero cost" version of Pyke's Peak, meaning you may posess and use the digital font file for zero cash outlay, but the commercial rights to the font data & intellectual property contained in it are not free in any way. You may distribute this font without permission on internet font archive sites and other media provided you do not charge money for it or try to pass it off as your own work. Please read the End User License Agreement embedded in this font file for details.
Einzigartige Unterfamilieidentifikation
Vollständiger Schriftname
Name-Tabelle Version
OTF 1.000;PS 001.000;Core 1.0.29
Please refer to the Copyright section for the font trademark attribution notices.
P Y K E ' S P E A K a s e n t i n e l t y p e designed by James Arboghast
Pyke's Peak is a spirit type descended from Paeleoflex: The Angel of the Odd. Wraith-like forms mix Roman inscriptional letters with an ar'deco theme for an ethereal graphic art effect. Suitable for magazines and editorial design, book jackets & interiors, posters & broadsides, art & craft objects and other things needing a touch of the extraordinary.
Over 500 extra characters give Pyke's Peak unusual range and ability. Mirror capitals, phantom forms, dot phantoms, "superposed" ligatures, capitalized ligatures and fitted pairs for hours of trippy rub-down arcadian magic.
Includes hanging numerals, lining numerals, full punctuation, standard math & monetary symbols. Accented characters for Latin 1 and Latin 2 cover the following languages: Albanian, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish and Swedish.
This typeface is dedicatet to Australian musician James "Jock" Paull, who is a free spirit.
Pyke's Peak is a spirit type descended from Paeleoflex: The Angel of the Odd. Wraith-like forms mix Roman inscriptional letters with an ar'deco theme for an ethereal graphic art effect. Suitable for magazines and editorial design, book jackets & interiors, posters & broadsides, art & craft objects and other things needing a touch of the extraordinary.
Over 500 extra characters give Pyke's Peak unusual range and ability. Mirror capitals, phantom forms, dot phantoms, "superposed" ligatures, capitalized ligatures and fitted pairs for hours of trippy rub-down arcadian magic.
Includes hanging numerals, lining numerals, full punctuation, standard math & monetary symbols. Accented characters for Latin 1 and Latin 2 cover the following languages: Albanian, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish and Swedish.
This typeface is dedicatet to Australian musician James "Jock" Paull, who is a free spirit.
Erweiterte Schriftarten Information
Unterstützte Plattformen
UnicodeUnicode 2.0 und nachfolgende Semantik, nur BMP-Unicode
MacintoshWestliche (römische)
MicrosoftNur BMP Unicode
Einheiten pro Em1000
Einbindungs RechteEinbindung für Vorschau und Drucken zulässig
Familien GattungFreiförmige Serifen
StärkeMittel leicht
Mac StyleFett
RichtungNur stark von Links nach Rechts gehende Schriftzeichen + enthält
Muster BeschaffenheitRegelmäßig