Nyata FTR Regular
- Akzente (teilweise)
- Akzente (ganz)
- Euro
Anmerkung des Autors
Nyata FTR (donationware)
Learn more about this family on https://www.behance.net/gallery/97408425/Nyata-Type-Family
The Premium version of Nyata is available through https://www.myfonts.com/foundry/marsnev/ and your other favorite marketplaces, consisting of 9 weights for both upright and italic and is also delivered in variable font format.
---------- IMPORTANT NOTE ----------
This version of Nyata FTR you have downloaded is absolutely free for personal, educational, non-profit, or charitable use.
For commercial use, kindly donate me (pay as you want) as an appreciation. If you want to donate, my PayPal address is marsnev@marsnev.com
Every donation is greatly appreciated.
If you need further information,
kindly check my F.A.Q page on https://marsnev.com
if you cannot get the answers there,
kindly contact me at:
email address: marsnev@marsnev.com
---------- ABOUT NYATA ----------
Nyata Clearly Visible, No Matter What.
I love London for its finest visual branding, especially its Johnston typeface spreading all over the city. It inspired me to create this new font-family: Nyata.
Nyata means clearly visible in Indonesian. The typeface is designed to be clean, unique, and legible. It is a great combination for any display requiring high legibility, such as the city's way-finder.
Long ascenders help some characters more obvious. You will never confuse whether it is an h or an n. Moreover, I tried to create all the letters that are distinguishable. Of course, no time for people to doubt between Uppercase I and lowercase l when seeing a way-finder. Last but not least, it is equipped with tons of OpenType features such as slashed zero to help the words more obvious, or stylistic sets if you don't fancy the serifed uppercase I.
Nyata is also delivered in Variable Font format. Enjoy all the styles and everything in between in one variable font only sized less than 150kb.
Learn more about this family on https://www.behance.net/gallery/97408425/Nyata-Type-Family
The Premium version of Nyata is available through https://www.myfonts.com/foundry/marsnev/ and your other favorite marketplaces, consisting of 9 weights for both upright and italic and is also delivered in variable font format.
---------- IMPORTANT NOTE ----------
This version of Nyata FTR you have downloaded is absolutely free for personal, educational, non-profit, or charitable use.
For commercial use, kindly donate me (pay as you want) as an appreciation. If you want to donate, my PayPal address is marsnev@marsnev.com
Every donation is greatly appreciated.
If you need further information,
kindly check my F.A.Q page on https://marsnev.com
if you cannot get the answers there,
kindly contact me at:
email address: marsnev@marsnev.com
---------- ABOUT NYATA ----------
Nyata Clearly Visible, No Matter What.
I love London for its finest visual branding, especially its Johnston typeface spreading all over the city. It inspired me to create this new font-family: Nyata.
Nyata means clearly visible in Indonesian. The typeface is designed to be clean, unique, and legible. It is a great combination for any display requiring high legibility, such as the city's way-finder.
Long ascenders help some characters more obvious. You will never confuse whether it is an h or an n. Moreover, I tried to create all the letters that are distinguishable. Of course, no time for people to doubt between Uppercase I and lowercase l when seeing a way-finder. Last but not least, it is equipped with tons of OpenType features such as slashed zero to help the words more obvious, or stylistic sets if you don't fancy the serifed uppercase I.
Nyata is also delivered in Variable Font format. Enjoy all the styles and everything in between in one variable font only sized less than 150kb.
Benutzen Sie bitte das Pull-Down Menü um verschiedene Zeichentabellen, die in dieser Schriftart enthalten sind, zu sehen.

Standard Schriftarten Information
Nyata FTR
Einzigartige Unterfamilieidentifikation
1.000;M ;NyataFTR-Regular
Vollständiger Schriftname
Nyata FTR Regular
Name-Tabelle Version
Version 1.000;hotconv 1.0.109;makeotfexe 2.5.65596
Erweiterte Schriftarten Information
Unterstützte Plattformen
UnicodeUnicode 2.0 und nachfolgende Semantik, nur BMP-Unicode
MicrosoftNur BMP Unicode
Einheiten pro Em1000
Einbindungs RechteEinbindung für Bearbeiten zulässig
Familien GattungOhne Serifen
Mac StyleFett
RichtungNur stark von Links nach Rechts gehende Schriftzeichen + enthält
Muster BeschaffenheitRegelmäßig