Madeleine Stories Regular
OpenTypeZum persönlichen Gebrauch
- Akzente (teilweise)
- Euro
Madeleine Stories-Regular.otf
Anmerkung des Autors
Have you ever gotten so caught up in a story that you were only brought out of your dream by a small voice in the distance? Madeleine Stories script font will get you back there in no time!
This freebie script by Ardian Nuvianto of Damarletter Studios is a very feminine and romantic font that captures the natural flow of cursive handwriting and reflects the natural movements of markers. Because of its bold outlines, and unique style Madeleine stories can be easily used by anyone who wants to include a touch of poetry and creativity to their designs. Use this typeface for branding, invitation design, magazine titles and articles, handwritten notes and cards, posters, and social media quotes etc.
Thanks to Damarletter Studios for sharing Madeleine Stories. Take a look at their portfolio for more creative tools.
This freebie script by Ardian Nuvianto of Damarletter Studios is a very feminine and romantic font that captures the natural flow of cursive handwriting and reflects the natural movements of markers. Because of its bold outlines, and unique style Madeleine stories can be easily used by anyone who wants to include a touch of poetry and creativity to their designs. Use this typeface for branding, invitation design, magazine titles and articles, handwritten notes and cards, posters, and social media quotes etc.
Thanks to Damarletter Studios for sharing Madeleine Stories. Take a look at their portfolio for more creative tools.
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Standard Schriftarten Information
Copyright (c) 2024 by Damarletter Studios LTD. All rights reserved.
Madeleine Stories
Einzigartige Unterfamilieidentifikation
Version 1.000;;Madeleine Stories-Regular;2024;FL842
Vollständiger Schriftname
Madeleine Stories Regular
Name-Tabelle Version
Version 1.000
Madeleine Stories is a trademark of Damarletter Studios.
Erweiterte Schriftarten Information
Unterstützte Plattformen
UnicodeUnicode 2.0 und nachfolgende Semantik, nur BMP-Unicode
MacintoshWestliche (römische)
MicrosoftNur BMP Unicode
Einheiten pro Em1000
Einbindungs RechteEinbindung für Vorschau und Drucken zulässig
Familien GattungSchreibschrift
StärkeMittel leicht
BreiteMittel eng
Mac StyleFett
RichtungNur stark von Links nach Rechts gehende Schriftzeichen + enthält
Muster BeschaffenheitKursiv